The transport system

To support a safe and sustainable community and growth in the Western Corridor, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Tauranga City Council (TCC) have been working on the future plans for the area. This has looked at how best to develop the new community, improve transport links and safety for all users, increase opportunities for public transport and active transport, protect freight routes to the Port of Tauranga, and open up the Tauriko West area for housing and urban development.

SH29 Tauriko Enabling Works (Short-term improvements)

Up to 2400 homes will be enabled through the Tauriko Enabling Works, a programme of work delivered together by NZTA and TCC.

These upgrades will improve safety at intersections of SH29 with Redwood Lane, Belk Road and Cambridge Road, enable housing development within Tauriko West, support further development of Tauriko Business Estate, protect freight routes to the Port of Tauranga and improve access to public transport, walking and cycling.

Construction is underway at the SH29/Redwood Lane roundabout and at the SH29/Cambridge Road and Tauriko Village intersections. The construction phase will be carried out in stages and is expected to take approximately 3 years.

Find out more about the Tauriko Enabling Works

Tauriko West Road of national significance

State Highway 29, State Highway 29A and State Highway 36 form part of the wider Western Corridor, a significant growth area in the western Bay of Plenty. These roads are part of an already busy route, crucial for local communities, including residents, freight, and those travelling to and from Tauranga across the Kaimai Range. A route that needs to be safe and provide travel times that are more predictable for everyone.

The key objectives of the Tauriko West project are to protect the strategic freight route, support a thriving and growing community, improve resilience and reliability, and safety for all users.

The Tauriko West project will be completed in 4 phases:

  • Designation and consenting for SH29 and SH29A – so we are ready to proceed when funding is made available and to protect the corridor from being built out in the upcoming development of the area (indicative timeframe: 2023/24 to 2026).
  • SH29 Ōmanawa bridge replacement – the replacement of the Ōmanawa Bridge, realignment of the connections on SH29 around the bridge and minor improvements to the Ōmanawa Road intersection (indicative timeframe: 2023/24 to 2027).
  • SH29 offline – construction of the new 4-lane SH29 and revocation of the existing SH29 (timeframes will be confirmed through the investment case phase).
  • Widening existing SH29A – from Takitimu Drive Toll Road to Barkes Corner and a new grade-separated interchange at Barkes Corner (timeframes will be confirmed through the investment case phase).

Find out more about the Tauriko West project

The Tauriko transport plan

SH29 is the key route connecting our region with Auckland, Waikato, and the Upper North Island. This route supports the economic success of the western Bay of Plenty. It is vital that growth and liveability, and safety and productivity go hand in hand.

The required transport network improvements were first identified in 2013 and in 2016 a programme business case confirmed the need for change and investment.

Tauriko Network Programme Business Case [PDF, 5.4 MB]

The Tauriko Network Connections Detailed Business Case was approved by the NZTA Board in August 2023. The DBC outlined the future transport improvements to Tauranga’s Western Corridor; SH29, SH29A and SH36.

Tauriko Network Connections Detailed Business Case [PDF, 6 MB]

The Tauriko West improvements have been realigned to GPS 2024, prioritising economic growth and productivity, particularly the movement of freight. Aligning NZTA projects to GPS 2024 is required to give effect to the Government’s priorities for land transport and subsequently to secure funding for further stages including detailed design, consenting, property purchase and construction.

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